Founded in 1988 by the architect Christian BERGER and the civil engineer in construction, Philippe ROGIER, ABR has specialized from the start in architecture, structural studies and land development.
The office is located in the south of Brussels, in the Brabant Wallon between Wavre and Nivelles, an area which is very dynamic on an economic and urbanistic level, near to the UCL, a leading university pole. ABR has been rapidly appreciated for its creativity, its professionalism and its sense of service to the client.
Quentin DEFALQUE joined the office in 1995 and becomes the 3rd associate in 2001.
In 2005, Philippe Rogier has left the association to engage in the sector of human resources.
At that moment Donatien Ryelants joins the association before he gave up his place to Jean-François Fontana. After 6 years, Jean-François oriented his carrier towards Feeling green and the real estate promotion. Benjamin FLAHAUX and Mathieu RENAUX, both Architects and collaborators since a number of years, enter into the capital of ABR in 2014. In 2015, Christian BERGER leaves the office for other challenges. September 2022, Germain LAMOTTE joins the association.
Today, the 4 associates, Quentin DEFALQUE, Benjamin FLAHAUX, Mathieu RENAUX and Germain LAMOTTE, are surrounded by a team from around twenty collaborators, motivated by the large innovating architectural and urban projects. Based on almost 30 years of experience, ABR intends to pursue the traced path and develop its dual poles of main competence: architecture and urban planning. The recent rejuvenation of its structure is lived like a tremendous challenge to distinguish even more in its region and beyond.